Embark on a whimsical journey in "Valkyrie Star: A Cacophony Choir," where the magic of the holiday season collides with the unexpected adventures of four extraordinary teachers. Denise Burkhardt, Bailey Campbell, Saki Daichi, and Alia Enami, once magical girls defending their realm, now find themselves navigating the challenges of high school academia. Little do they know, their past is about to catch up with them in the most festive and unexpected way.

A malevolent witch, wielding the power of enchanted snow globes, is plotting to plunge the world into chaos by taking control of the school's Christmas play. As the Valkyrie Star team, it's up to Denise, Bailey, Saki, and Alia to unravel the sinister plot and save the holiday spirit. The game seamlessly blends deck-building mechanics for thrilling magical combat with crossword puzzle challenges for solving mysteries and advancing the narrative.


Valkyrie Star Winter (9).zip 1.5 GB

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